About the Region

FOR the area

Gorno Kapinovo village

The village of Gorno Kapinovo is located in the Eastern Rhodopes. At the foot of Mount Veikata and ZM Gyumurdzhinski Snezhnik. The village is located on the left bank of the Kazlach River, which springs on 3 km above the village from the area of ​​Karadjova padina on the border with Greece. Gorno Kapinovo is the southernmost settlement in Bulgaria.

Gyumurdzhinski Snezhnik protected area is a mountain hill in the southern part of the Eastern Rhodopes, to the south of the upper course of the river Varbitsa, the ridge reaches the state border with Greece and covers the area of ​​Vr. Veikata, the southernmost point of Bulgaria. ZM Gyumurdzhinsky Snezhnik stretches from west to east for approx 27 – 30 km, and its width reaches up to 15 km. With an area of ​​1926 ha, ZM Gyumurdzhinski Snezhnik is the largest protected area in the Eastern Rhodopes, announced in 2003. for the protection of centuries-old beech and mixed forests and habitats of endangered species of plants and animals: Golden Eagle, little Hawk, black woodpecker, Brown bear. They meet in the area 11 plant type and 5 species of animals, included in the Red Book of Bulgaria. Valuable are the forests of mountain sycamore and a deposit of Rhodope cream, only in the Eastern Rhodopes. Sycamores are preserved, beech and beech-fir forests older than 150 years.